Vertical Bone Augmentaton Cases:
Case #1
Patient AS presented missing teeth #’s 7-9 that had been removed 15 years after endodontic failure. She had been wearing a removable applicance since grade school and was ready to upgrade to an implant retained prosthesis. Orthodontic appliances were utilized to place her teeth in ideal positions prior to implant treatment planning.
Horizontal and vertical deficiencies were present.
The ridge was augmented vertically 3mm and horizontally 7mm.
Site was allowed to heal 7 months.
Radiographic evidence would suggest a result approaching complete bone augmentation.
Implants were placed in the #7 and 9 positions.
The implants were provisionalizd for 3 months.
1 yr after final restoration.
Case #2
JT presented with localized periodontal disease associated with teeth #’s 6 and 7.
Severe bone loss appeared radiographically within close proximity to the apex of tooth #7.
Teeth #’s 6 and 7 were extracted and the remaining ridge was augmented for implant placement.
The site was allowed to heal for 8 months.
Radiographic interpretation would suggest a result approaching 100% bone regeneration.
The total bone augmented was approximately 10mm vertical and 8mm horizontal.
An implant was placed at #6 with the plan to restore #6 and 7 with a cantilevered prosthesis.
1 year after final prosthesis at #6 and 7