The daily intake of a multi-vitamin is recommended.
It is important that you maintain a nutritious diet during the weeks of healing. The patient who maintains a good diet of soft foods generally feels better, has less discomfort and heals faster. The foods listed below are planned to provide the body with adequate vitamins and minerals. Foods containing tomatoes, onions, peppers or spices of any kind will be irritation and should be avoided.
BREAKFAST (blender may be used to liquefy foods)
Apple juice, orange juice, milk, tea, or coffee. Stewed fruits, prunes or similar fruits should be well mashed or sieved. Cooked cereals such as oatmeal or cream of wheat. Eggs; soft boiled, soft scrambled, poached or soft fried. Bread should be softened with gravy or vegetable juices. Milk toast. Donuts softened in milk or coffee. Liquid supplements as above.
Home cooked broth, bouillon, soups. Ground beef. Baked or broiled fish (or fried with crust removed). Finely chopped broiled or stewed chicken. Chicken noodle soup, macaroni and cheese, eggs as above, bread as above. Milkshakes and ice cream. Baked or whipped potatoes. MASHED asparagus, peas, carrots, lima beans or sting beans. Cottage cheese, cream cheese, cheese soufflé, canned pears, baked apples. Cooked vegetable and meat juices, puddings, Jell-O, custards, stewed fruits, pound cake. Liquid supplements as above.
REMEMBER: You may eat any soft foods that do not irritate. You may chew if it is not too uncomfortable to do so. Use common sense.
FINAL NOTE: You may eat most foods, but common sense would suggest that you eat softer foods, take smaller bites and chew only in the areas where there is no dressing or sutures. Avoid highly seasoned foods and sharp foods such as nuts, popcorn and chips. Food supplements such as Ensure, Boost or a nutritional supplement drink may be helpful but a strictly liquid diet should not be required after the first day or two (Unless Dr. Thousand instructed you otherwise!). Blender processed foods may be indicated for 2-3 weeks depending on the type and extent of your surgery.